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Project design—from ideation to implementation—is at the heart of everything Pilot Projects does. In addition to commissioned client work, we co-create integrative projects that turn pressing systems challenges into development opportunities.



Déclaration Forêts et Villes avec Ressources et Collaboration

Cette déclaration collaborative engage les villes francophones à préserver les forêts tropicales et boréales pour un avenir durable.


Conservation Timber Initiative

This initiative addresses barriers to market and economic development for Conservation Timber through engagement, network-building, and demonstrations of capacity building.


Sustainable Wood for Cities

This is a first-of-its-kind guide to take cities through a step-by-step process to guide wood choices towards the most sustainable option to benefit climate, environment, and society.


COP15 Carnaval de la Biodiversité

This event brought prominent and diverse voices who are leading biodiversity conservation and connected to leaders in business, finance, government and the plural sector.


Brooklyn Bridge Forest

Preserve a landmark, protect a rainforest, cultivate a global partnership. The Brooklyn Bridge Forest initiative will allow for one of New York City’s most important landmarks to be maintained sustainably in perpetuity.



This project helps cities connect and invest in inner forests (such as city trees and urban parks), nearby forests (such as green corridors and watersheds) and faraway forests (such as tropical and boreal forests).


Essex Street Green Hub

Parking garages that do nothing but store cars need to step up. We propose adding secure, staffed bike parking; solar-electric stations; a community roof garden; coffee; and more.


100 Fountains

This competition brought international artists and designers together in New York City for a summer-long exhibition exploring and actually using creative drinking fountain concepts.


International Arts Movement Supper

A Gathering at the Exquisite Trough


Sustainable Wood Hub Initiative

Connecting urban projects with sustainable wood, enhancing cities’ access to high-quality construction materials through a centralized hub.


Mass Timber Tipping Point

This two-year project of engagement with a select number of North American Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Planning (AECP) firms will explore the successes and challenges to unlock mass timber’s true potential.


Restoring Forests and Landscapes

Using spatial data to inform restoration prioritisation for climate, biodiversity and community benefits


Peruvian Timber Sector Innovation

A collaboration with the Peruvian National Council of Science, Technology and Innovation to improve the social and environmental outcomes of the wood products sector in Pucallpa.


The Quito Cities4Forests Bridge

Cities4Forests partnered with local municipal representatives, indigenous communities, architects and carpenters to exhibit the potential of eucalyptus wood to help cities like Quito restore their inner and nearby forests.


Future of Forest Work

Local communities are on the front lines of conserving forests. Youth are the future of these communities. What kind of exciting, innovative and rewarding work would incentivize young people to stay in or return to forests?


Delancey Street Plaza

This public plaza upgrades a space at the speedy and disorderly entrance to the Williamsburg Bridge, building on the Essex Crossing development.


Norfolk Street Pop-up Retail

Our proposal for the LES BID explores ways to help very small businesses exploit an under-used site along an increasingly busy stretch off Rivington Street.


New Hope Community Center

Bowery Mission expands to serve Spanish Harlem. Pilot Projects hired to design ground floor community co-working space, help desk, and a professional services clinic.


Ontario Forest Conservation Easements

This pilot project lets property owners sustain Ontario forests and wetlands through permanent conservation easements.


Systemic Collaboration Framework for Forest-Positive Buildings

Supporting collaboration and exponentially improving collective impact towards climate targets in both forests and the built environment.


Communities of Practice

Using systems thinking to improve multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral collaboration


Partner Forest Program

The Partner Forest Program helps cities to establish partnerships with specific tropical forest landscapes and communities for mutual benefit in support of forest conservation and restoration strategies.


Orchard St. Streetscape Co-Design

Partnering with the Lower East Side Business Improvement District, we brought community groups together to create a much-needed plan for bicycle parking, street furniture, pedestrian plazas and tree plantings.


Wood at Work

Wood and conservation are cultural inspiration and practical reality in this community of practice. Events explore city infrastructure built with sustainably-sourced wood, forest conservation, and climate change mitigation.


Gowanus Canal Modular Floodplain

The bio-industrial armature proposed used 40 shipping containers holding bio-remediation wetland plants and soil to clean sewer overflow waste water.


Interlochen Arts Academy

Students at the Interlochen Arts Academy learn to design with forests while conserving their future.


Bike Rescue

What a waste, what an opportunity! A project to identify, reclaim, recycle and restore New York City’s abandoned bicycles.

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